Friday 7 December 2012

Patrick Rochon Analysis

This is a snapshot of a video by Patrick Rochon, a light painting photographer with over 19 years experience. He has done work for magazines, cd cases, DVD's, posters and other promotional materials. This piece was made in 1998 for a Toyota Altezza advertisement. The theme of the piece is cars, this relates as the light painting around the car gives the impression the car is moving fast. The subject of the piece is made to look more abstract because of the bright colours used. I chose to analyse this piece as I would like to experiment using a similar light painting technique.
The image is take from a strange angle, being low down looking up at the car and it is slightly tilted as well. The arrangement of the picture is very effective as it makes the car stand out from the colourful background that was made with the lights. 
I like this photograph as the colours are so sharp and I love the effect that the light painting gives to the piece.

Here are some more examples of his work:

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