Thursday 25 October 2012


I am happy with my final prints overall although a couple of them are slightly out of focus. I think they worked well and also linked in with the theme of everyday. 
At the beginning of the project I was finding it difficult to get a decent print using an SLR film camera and the darkroom, which was quite frustrating. After a few attempts I got the hang of it and found it fairly easy to get some good pictures, using the black and white negative and filters to get a clear photograph with strong contrast.
I enjoyed all of the experiments and techniques apart from the pinhole camera's which I didn't feel was very successful as it was so hard and time consuming to get a decent print. My favourites were creating the photograms in the darkroom with our personal objects and using the film camera's to take pictures of everyday life.
My final prints link to the theme of everyday life by showing peoples feet in different situations that would happen on a daily basis in a students life. As they show pictures of relaxing in bed, walking into college/class, working at a computer and socializing with friends. I chose to use this idea as I felt it was quite unique and gives and different angle on everyday life.
If I could go back I would re-shoot some more pictures making sure they were all in focus when taking them as some of my prints are out of focus, therefore losing the quality of the image. I would also experiment with a few more different ideas to give me a broader range to look at and choose from for my final outcome.
The Bjork Vespertine album artwork inspired my outcome the most, as I really liked the detail and surreal effect it gave the image.
Overall I enjoyed the project as I learnt a lot of new techniques and skills that I can use in the future but I also found it quite challenging and frustrating at times.

Tuesday 23 October 2012


I decided to add a filter, number 5, when creating my photographs as it adds contrast to the picture. Where as my original picture that looked very grey, this makes the dark colours darker and the light colours lighter.

Monday 22 October 2012

Drawings over photographs

I chose to use the Bjork Vespertine inspired effect, of drawing over my photographs on tracing paper for my final outcome:

Saturday 20 October 2012

Friday 19 October 2012

Original Photographs

When taking my photographs I decided to look at everyday life in view of peoples feet:

Entering class/college:

working on the computer:


At home relaxing:

Tuesday 16 October 2012


1. slow shutter speed- captures the movement in the picture
  2. music- still life photograph of objects used in everyday life
 3. Rain- people travelling by foot in the rain with umbrellas
  4. Bicycles- photograph of people travelling on bikes, from an unusual angle as the camera was placed on the floor.
 5. Feet- view on life with people's feet in the picture
 6. Shower-an object used in everyday life, captures movement of the water running.

Tuesday 9 October 2012


For these photograms I used some of my personal items that i use everyday, to link in with the project theme. For example my house keys, earphones and jewellery, I chose the other items because they are transparent. 

For this photogram I used one plastic toy soldier that I moved across the paper exposing it to light at every step to give it a sense of movement.

Analysis of Photogram photographers

This piece of work is a negative photo gram, made in the darkroom by Lazslo Moholy Nagy. He was a Hungarian painter and photographer, born in 1895.
 It is layered up with different objects, hands and a pain brush, to give it a 3D effect. It also adds depth to the photograph.
I like this piece of photography as how it was made is very interesting and it looks very effective.

This is also a negative photogram, made by Man Ray. He was an american artist born in 1890 but spent most of hie career in Paris, France. He considered himself a painter but was best known for his photography work. 
Features lots of different objects but this time they are all spaced out instead of layering up on top of each other. The objects include a gun and alphabetical stencils. The gun has been placed in the middle with the stencils scattered around it.
I like this piece of photography as the meaning behind it is unknown but this makes it more interesting and mysterious.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Roni Horn and Shutter speed

These images were created using a film camera on a low shutter speed setting so that any movement will be captured, making the photograph blurry. This photograph shows a picture of a person dressed as a clown, they have moved whilst the picture was being taken to give this effect. 

Shutter speed

Shutter speed is the length of time that the camera's shutter is open, this along with the aperture determines how much light reaches the film. A slow shutter speed will allow time for movement to be captured in the image, therefore leaving a blurred effect. A fast shutter speed will capture a sharp and clear image as it doesn't allow for movement to be captured.